Tales series of works is a reflection on childhood memories, where the world seemed large, mysterious and not entirely understandable. Erotic reflection to a fictional space, a game of small-town, dacha (countryside) spiritualism. Generally speaking, the world is very transcendental; we have not noticed it already or not yet.
Tales and myths are so attractive for they often deal with another world. Since the very beginning they do enrich the human perception, help to realise, and accept, the complexity of our existence in this material world. The author explores the mythological universe - its contents and inhabitants, but also his own reactions to these always new encounters. The objects represent his fantasies, affected by merely human pop-cultural clichés.
Lobsters leave140x200 cm. Oil on canvas. 2019
Twisted tods140x140 cm. Oil on canvas. 2019
Tender bite100x100 cm. Oil on canvas. 2019
Mermaid's song140x200 cm. Oil on canvas. 2019
Pink Crocodile60x60 cm. Oil on canvas. 2018
Just married100x200 cm. Oil on canvas. 2018
Crab in my mind100x100 cm. Oil on canvas. 2018